הרב מאיר פנחסי
Country: ישראל


Hi rabbi

Im struggling with spilling seed addiction. Its even harder to stop because i take a high dose of viagra for my heart medication which cannot be changed. Its very difficult for me i feel very guilty. Looking for some guidance/answers how to deal with this. My heart condtion is very rare which is causing enlarged heart and high pressure in the lungs. I sit at home most of the day because i can’t work. Im single and young and stuck in a rut?


Hello and greetings to the honorable gentleman,

The very fact that you feel bad about yourself shows that you are a serious man who is searching for meaning in life, and is looking for progress in life, and idleness makes your heart very sad.

I will advise you 2 good tips:

1). You have to take a piece of paper and a pen and make an agenda for you, when you get up, when you eat, when you read.

You will also have certain outputs of reading and study, according to your strength, at the end of the day you will take the tasks you have prepared for yourself and mark whether you have met these tasks.

What stands behind this idea is self-satisfaction, you are not satisfied, and especially from your self-image cause of your illness, so through the day you and thoughts of nonsense.

And by the way, this is one of the reasons you are addicted this, because thoughts and fantasies of nonsense drive your head crazy, I have no doubt about it!

As soon as you study and read, and listen to Torah[1], pray, Psalms, you will have great satisfaction from yourself.

2) Try to get out of the house as much as possible or study with someone on any subject you want, the fact that you are within the walls of your home causes you a certain blockage, you must be involved with people, and be happy, try to look at the positive and good sides of you.

The sin of masturbate is one of the strictest prohibitions in the Torah[2], so if you feel that you are addicted, try to do what I wrote in the following link,


It is also possible to do the following qualities presented in the sources[3]:

[1] Rambam Laws of the Prohibitions of Beah (Chapter 22): There is no overcoming incestuous thought but with a heart free of wisdom, and in wisdom he says Ayelet Ahavim and Ya’elat Chen Dadia will be blessed at all times with her love will always err

[2] and as M.S. Hashua (Ibn Ha’ezer Si. 25).

[3] Virtues for Overcoming the Evil Inclination

And I will list some of the “virtues” brought by our rabbi, Rabbi Eliyahu Bachbut, the head of the site and the head of the kollel, that helps a person overcome his inclination, but it should be known that these are not “magic solutions” but only an addition of spiritual power to weaken the intensity of war, but he must make an effort to fight anyway.

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