הרב אליהו בחבוט ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on:  Hello, Rabbi. As is well known, on the third of Cheshvan, is the day of the ordinance of the year (Yahrzeit) of Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef zt”l, what is better to do on this day, to read psalms and pray at his grave in the Sanhedria cemetery, or to stay in the beit midrash and study in the exaltation of his soul? And if you are going to pray on his grave, what should you say there?

: In general, the opinion of Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef zt”l was that it is better to sit down to study Torah for the sake of the soul of the deceased, than to come to pray (or to study) on his grave, and the reason is, not to lose the precious time of the trips in which it was possible to learn, and in any case, the deceased Tzadik zt”l has a rest of the spirit more than if one comes to his grave. However, Those who need salvation in any matter, because under the supervision of the Shi’ite, the tomb of Maran z”l is located in the center of Jerusalem, where accessibility is very easy and does not require losing much time on travel, are perfectly entitled to pray at his grave on this day without fear. And when he comes to prostrate himself on his grave, it is very correct to study in his books (such as Yabia Omer, Yechowah Da’at, chazon Ovadia) in the exaltation of his soul. And one should read psalm chapter 119 of the Psalms according to the order from beginning to the end, and not according to the letters of the name of the Tzadik, because that was the opinion of Maran z”l as we will explain elsewhere. And pray to G-d in the right of the righteous, to be saved in the Word of salvation and mercy, for the whole and for the individual. And in another place, an orderly version is presented for saying about the grave of Maran z”l, for those who came he prostrated himself on his grave. And of course you should also try to maintain “and walk along the way” and learn also on the way back and forth. Sources

Day of Death of Maran rabbi ovadia yosef z”l on the third of Cheshvan


 Hello, Rabbi. As is well known, on the third of Cheshvan, is the day of the ordinance of the year (Yahrzeit) of Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef zt”l, what is better to do on this day, to read psalms and pray at his grave in the Sanhedria cemetery, or to stay in the beit midrash and study in the exaltation of his soul? And if you are going to pray on his grave, what should you say there?


mourningIn general, the opinion of Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef zt”l was that it is better to sit down to study Torah for the sake of the soul of the deceased, than to come to pray (or to study) on his grave, and the reason is, not to lose the precious time of the trips in which it was possible to learn, and in any case, the deceased Tzadik zt”l has a rest of the spirit more than if one comes to his grave. However, Those who need salvation in any matter, because under the supervision of the Shi’ite, the tomb of Maran z”l is located in the center of Jerusalem, where accessibility is very easy and does not require losing much time on travel, are perfectly entitled to pray at his grave on this day without fear. And when he comes to prostrate himself on his grave, it is very correct to study in his books (such as Yabia Omer, Yechowah Da’at, chazon Ovadia) in the exaltation of his soul. And one should read psalm chapter 119 of the Psalms according to the order from beginning to the end, and not according to the letters of the name of the Tzadik, because that was the opinion of Maran z”l as we will explain elsewhere. And pray to G-d in the right of the righteous, to be saved in the Word of salvation and mercy, for the whole and for the individual. And in another place, an orderly version is presented for saying about the grave of Maran z”l, for those who came he prostrated himself on his grave. And of course you should also try to maintain “and walk along the way” and learn also on the way back and forth.


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