הרב לומד
Country: ישראל

on: Hello and best regards. What day of the week and what date in the month of Tammuz and Av should you move to a new home? Thank you.

: May there be a good settlement with G-d’s help and salvation. Regarding the relocation during the months of Tammuz and Av, it is first of all necessary to distinguish between Halacha and segulas. Between Rosh Chodesh Av and Tisha B’Av, it is not correct to move to a new apartment even according to Halacha (see the sources). For the purpose of having a transfer at happy hour and good luck, it would be better not to move at all in the month of Av and Tammuz. But there is the thing that one wants to move during these months in order to accommodate the school year (so that the children can start in the new places of school from the beginning of the year), and so, if one can pass on Tu B’Av, then it is certainly very good, because there were no good days for the Jews on Tu B’Av and Yomkipur, and if one cannot move on Tu B’Av, one will move after Tu B’Av (but not on 20th days, 21, 27 Av), and if he moves before Tu B’Av, he will make sure that the transfer of the apartment will not be on one of the following days: 14th and 15th of Tammuz, 17th of Tammuz to 11th of Av. Of course, as with any apartment transfer, it is very correct to do a “housewarming” with the study of the Holy Zohar with 10 people, because you do not have a “good sign” more than starting with Torah study in your new house. And may these days turn from grief to joy bezrat hashem.   Sources



Hello and best regards. What day of the week and what date in the month of Tammuz and Av should you move to a new home? Thank you.


May there be a good settlement with G-d’s help and salvation. Regarding the relocation during the months of Tammuz and Av, it is first of all necessary to distinguish between Halacha and segulas.

Between Rosh Chodesh Av and Tisha B’Av, it is not correct to move to a new apartment even according to Halacha (see the sources).

For the purpose of having a transfer at happy hour and good luck, it would be better not to move at all in the month of Av and Tammuz. But there is the thing that one wants to move during these months in order to accommodate the school year (so that the children can start in the new places of school from the beginning of the year), and so, if one can pass on Tu B’Av, then it is certainly very good, because there were no good days for the Jews on Tu B’Av and Yomkipur, and if one cannot move on Tu B’Av, one will move after Tu B’Av (but not on 20th days, 21, 27 Av), and if he moves before Tu B’Av, he will make sure that the transfer of the apartment will not be on one of the following days: 14th and 15th of Tammuz, 17th of Tammuz to 11th of Av.

Of course, as with any apartment transfer, it is very correct to do a “housewarming” with the study of the Holy Zohar with 10 people, because you do not have a “good sign” more than starting with Torah study in your new house. And may these days turn from grief to joy bezrat hashem.



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