הרב מאיר פנחסי
Country: ישראל

on to think about!
But the

I have been dreaming about being in a Knis and on those dreams I have been reading a siddur, davening or even being call to be a hazan but when I’m about to get into the tevah I wake up, and I had another dream when I was around rabbis and they agreed that someone is the Mashiach but the Mashiach was a woman, my question is if the dreams I had about being in a Knis have a meaning and also if could be possible the Mashiach could be a woman?

Hello and greeting, the two dreamers are one dream, and this is his solution:
you have a great power in prayer, and probably it’s because of the good deeds you have, and going up to the tevah in the synagogue shows that you have the power of the hole community, and the responsibility of many depends on you.
A man like you, can do much to bring salvation closer, and from heaven desires that you continue to multiply with prayer and intention from you’re heart, continue your good deeds, righteousness and mercy, and prepare as you do them to be for the approximation of salvation and for the ‘shichina’. And it’s good to say with your mouth first before you do good.
A woman cannot be the Messiah and as described in the Rambam (Chapter 12 of malachim).
And since “there is no dream without something not true”, (tractate berachot 55,b), we believe (that dreming that machiach is a woman) are the idle things in your dream.
And may we receive complete redemption that all the people of Israel expect, and we will soon receive the comfort of Zion in our day, Amen.




I have been dreaming about being in a Knis and on those dreams I have been reading a siddur, davening or even being call to be a hazan but when I’m about to get into the tevah I wake up, and I had another dream when I was around rabbis and they agreed that someone is the Mashiach but the Mashiach was a woman, my question is if the dreams I had about being in a Knis have a meaning and also if could be possible the Mashiach could be a woman?


Hello and greeting, the two dreamers are one dream, and this is his solution:

you have a great power in prayer, and probably it’s because of the good deeds you have, and going up to the tevah in the synagogue shows that you have the power of the hole community, and the responsibility of many depends on you.

A man like you, can do much to bring salvation closer, and from heaven desires that you continue to multiply with prayer and intention from you’re heart, continue your good deeds, righteousness and mercy, and prepare as you do them to be for the approximation of salvation and for the ‘shichina’. And it’s good to say with your mouth first before you do good.

A woman cannot be the Messiah and as described in the Rambam (Chapter 12 of malachim).

And since “there is no dream without something not true”, (tractate berachot 55,b), we believe (that dreming that machiach is a woman) are the idle things in your dream.

And may we receive complete redemption that all the people of Israel expect, and we will soon receive the comfort of Zion in our day, Amen.




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