הרב דוד אוחיון - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: My daughter became pregnant with IVF from a Goya donor’s egg, the baby, The baby is being carried and nourished in her womb. Does the baby need to go through a mikveh? the baby is a boy and of course we will give him a bris at the time?

on: I am Jewish and have a friend who’s Jewish and lives next to a ‘messianic Jewish’ couple. The man is supposedly Jewish and insists he is a Kohen; his wife is a gentile. Besides being an apostate because of his Jesus belief, I would think he is no longer a Kohen if he ever was one, due to his wife’s status? Please advise. avswer: Hello and welcome. Your question is important on a very serious and painful subject. It is important to clarify that a Messianic Jew is a converted Jew for all intents and purposes. It is necessary to know that in the cult of Christian Jews, there are many Christians who are not Jews at all. In order to know if they are Jewish, one must find out about his mother and if his mother is Jewish or not. However, even if this Messianic Jew is a Jewish and the son of a Jewish mother, and falls into the net of the cult of The Christian Jews, who believe in ‘that man’ (Yeshu), in their belief that this man had godpower in a crucified human body, heretics are in our faith in one unique God, and are defined as heretics and converts. It is possible that this Jew is a Cohen, such as if his parents are Kosher Jews and his father is a Cohen, but even if he is indeed a Cohen, he is disqualified from carrying his hands and getting the first ‘alliyah’ in the Torah and from all the laws of the ‘cohanim’, since he is married to a gentile. Until he accepts that he will retire from this cult and leave his gentile wife and return to the religion of truth and faith in the Creator, he will be blessed.   Sources and reasoning


I am Jewish and have a friend who’s Jewish and lives next to a ‘messianic Jewish’ couple. The man is supposedly Jewish and insists he is a Kohen; his wife is a gentile. Besides being an apostate because of his Jesus belief, I would think he is no longer a Kohen if he ever was one, due to his wife’s status? Please advise.


Hello and welcome.

Your question is important on a very serious and painful subject.

It is important to clarify that a Messianic Jew is a converted Jew for all intents and purposes.

It is necessary to know that in the cult of Christian Jews, there are many Christians who are not Jews at all. In order to know if they are Jewish, one must find out about his mother and if his mother is Jewish or not.

However, even if this Messianic Jew is a Jewish and the son of a Jewish mother, and falls into the net of the cult of The Christian Jews, who believe in ‘that man’ (Yeshu), in their belief that this man had godpower in a crucified human body, heretics are in our faith in one unique God, and are defined as heretics and converts.

It is possible that this Jew is a Cohen, such as if his parents are Kosher Jews and his father is a Cohen, but even if he is indeed a Cohen, he is disqualified from carrying his hands and getting the first ‘alliyah’ in the Torah and from all the laws of the ‘cohanim’, since he is married to a gentile. Until he accepts that he will retire from this cult and leave his gentile wife and return to the religion of truth and faith in the Creator, he will be blessed.


Sources and reasoning

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