לוגו משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on to think about!
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What is the significance in the Exodus story of singling out a donkey to be redeemed with lamb?
Your question is very nice
And already the interpreters of the Torah stood on this, what is the matter of the padia of a donkey and what is the matter of redeeming him in the lamb and giving it to the cohen.
The ‘chinuch’ in his book (Mitzvah 22) wrote from the roots of this commandment, so that the Jews would be remembered for the world of the miracle that God had done to them at the exodus from Egypt, which killed all their firstborns who had been likened to donkeys. And since the donkey is a not kosher, it is impossible to give him to the cohen, so there for you redeem it to a lam so the cohen will enjoy it.
Rabbi shamshon Hirsch z”l wrote a wonderful annotation in this regard that the donkey, unlike a horse, is the beast of a peaceful welfare life. The donkey is a beast that symbolizes inanimate property that has no value or meaning, but exploitation for the sanctity will become a living, and then will gain value and meaning.
Hereby, one final purpose was imprinted on every private use of property: promoting the purpose. And the man who imagines that in preventing his assets from the goals of the holy rule will increase them, a bitter mistake is in his hand: and if – not cash and beheading – is the slogan, written above any Jewish property: which simulates keeping it to himself selfishly, itself condemns him to beheading and calfing. A jew has only been granted the right to own property – on probation. Only then can a jew hold any property if it fulfills this condition: if he puts all his possessions to the work of the Creator, and they will be exploited to fulfill the duties assigned to him by the Creator:



What is the significance in the Exodus story of singling out a donkey to be redeemed with lamb?


Your question is very nice

And already the interpreters of the Torah stood on this, what is the matter of the padia of a donkey and what is the matter of redeeming him in the lamb and giving it to the cohen.

The ‘chinuch’ in his book (Mitzvah 22) wrote from the roots of this commandment, so that the Jews would be remembered for the world of the miracle that God had done to them at the exodus from Egypt, which killed all their firstborns who had been likened to donkeys. And since the donkey is a not kosher, it is impossible to give him to the cohen, so there for you redeem it to a lam so the cohen will enjoy it.

Rabbi shamshon Hirsch z”l wrote a wonderful annotation in this regard that the donkey, unlike a horse, is the beast of a peaceful welfare life. The donkey is a beast that symbolizes inanimate property that has no value or meaning, but exploitation for the sanctity will become a living, and then will gain value and meaning.

Hereby, one final purpose was imprinted on every private use of property: promoting the purpose. And the man who imagines that in preventing his assets from the goals of the holy rule will increase them, a bitter mistake is in his hand: and if – not cash and beheading – is the slogan, written above any Jewish property: which simulates keeping it to himself selfishly, itself condemns him to beheading and calfing. A jew has only been granted the right to own property – on probation. Only then can a jew hold any property if it fulfills this condition: if he puts all his possessions to the work of the Creator, and they will be exploited to fulfill the duties assigned to him by the Creator:



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