הרב דוד אוחיון - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: Dear Rabbi, I am attracted to transgender women. I am planning to travel to Thailand to have a relation with the Lady Boy. Is it permissible for a Jewish person to participate in this? Thank you.

: I did not understand whether you are a man or a woman, but you should know that whether a man and a woman it is strictly forbidden by the Torah to have a relation with a Lady Boy, who is actually a man who behaves as a woman and dresses as a woman. No one is allowed to have a relation with a ‘Lady Boy’, because he is a male, and is a very abominable act in the eyes of God. And the Lady Boy is a man, so according to the Torah a man always remains a man. It is also forbidden for a woman by the law of the Holy Torah to have a relation with a man who is not Jewish, and the Lady Boy are not Jewish. It is important to note that even having a relationship with a Jewish man is not permitted except within the framework of Chuppah and Kiddushin as the religion of Moses and Israel. I will add in conclusion, from your wish it is evident that you have values and you try to preserve Jewish values, but know that not only on the part of Jewish values this is abominable, but also any moral and conscientious value is disgusted with this thing, of mixing and blurring the boundaries of sex. Restraint is power, if you manage to prevent yourself from doing so despite the attraction to it, you will gain satisfaction and happiness, and there will be a people of G-d to succeed you on your way. Best regards success in your overcoming, most joy and happiness. Sources and Scores


Dear Rabbi,

I am attracted to transgender women. I am planning to travel to Thailand to have a relation with the Lady Boy. Is it permissible for a Jewish person to participate in this? Thank you.


I did not understand whether you are a man or a woman, but you should know that whether a man and a woman it is strictly forbidden by the Torah to have a relation with a Lady Boy, who is actually a man who behaves as a woman and dresses as a woman.

No one is allowed to have a relation with a ‘Lady Boy’, because he is a male, and is a very abominable act in the eyes of God. And the Lady Boy is a man, so according to the Torah a man always remains a man.

It is also forbidden for a woman by the law of the Holy Torah to have a relation with a man who is not Jewish, and the Lady Boy are not Jewish. It is important to note that even having a relationship with a Jewish man is not permitted except within the framework of Chuppah and Kiddushin as the religion of Moses and Israel.

I will add in conclusion, from your wish it is evident that you have values and you try to preserve Jewish values, but know that not only on the part of Jewish values this is abominable, but also any moral and conscientious value is disgusted with this thing, of mixing and blurring the boundaries of sex. Restraint is power, if you manage to prevent yourself from doing so despite the attraction to it, you will gain satisfaction and happiness, and there will be a people of G-d to succeed you on your way.

Best regards success in your overcoming, most joy and happiness.

Sources and Scores

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