הרב דוד אוחיון - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: On the topic of mamzerim assimilating into the general Jewish community, has it ever been discussed as to the specific number of generations that must pass before the family is considered assimilated? If so, once the required threshold of generational descent is reached, even if there is unfounded gossip in the community regarding possible Mamzerut, does a presumption of innocence remain in force? Warm regards, David Warm welcome, David

: Your question is important on a serious and fundamental issue. In order to give an accurate answer i need to hear more details about the source of information for assimilation from ‘mamzerut’ in the specific family towards which you are asking.   In general terms, the answer to your question is this way: 1. Every Orthodox family of the Jewish people has the presumption of kashrut, and one should not be afraid that there is anything wrong with  ‘mamzerut’, God forbid. 2. Even when there is a voice and a rumor about a certain family in which there is a fear of involving a ‘mamzerut’, there is no need to fear it, without testimony or presumption that a  ‘mamzer’ or a ‘safek mamzer’ has intervened in the family. 3. When there is evidence that in a certain family a  ‘mamzer’ has intervened, it is forbidden to marry from the family, but rather checks for those who wish to marry him. 4. In the event that there is evidence of a ‘mamzer’ being involved in a specific family, and yet a man has passed and married a woman from them, or a woman has married a man of them. If the testimony is about a ‘safek mamzer’, there is no need to divorce, and if the testimony is about a ‘vaday mamzer’, you should certainly get a divorce. 5. Insofar as the gossip about the fear of ‘mamzerut’ on a particular family is not based on testimony or possession, it should not be published, and the family is placed under the presumption of kashrut. 6. Usually, there is a record of certain ‘mamzerim’ or doubtful ‘mamzerim’ in the community tribunal list. And in the State of Israel there is a meticulous record of any genealogical incompetence (people that you can’t marry) . 7. The aforesaid does not refer to families belonging to denominations that explicitly do not expel their wives with a kosher ‘get’ as the religion of Moshe and yisrael.   Sources and reasoning


On the topic of mamzerim assimilating into the general Jewish community, has it ever been discussed as to the specific number of generations that must pass before the family is considered assimilated?

If so, once the required threshold of generational descent is reached, even if there is unfounded gossip in the community regarding possible Mamzerut, does a presumption of innocence remain in force?

Warm regards,

Warm welcome,



Your question is important on a serious and fundamental issue.

In order to give an accurate answer i need to hear more details about the source of information for assimilation from ‘mamzerut’ in the specific family towards which you are asking.


In general terms, the answer to your question is this way:

1. Every Orthodox family of the Jewish people has the presumption of kashrut, and one should not be afraid that there is anything wrong with  ‘mamzerut’, God forbid.

2. Even when there is a voice and a rumor about a certain family in which there is a fear of involving a ‘mamzerut’, there is no need to fear it, without testimony or presumption that a  ‘mamzer’ or a ‘safek mamzer’ has intervened in the family.

3. When there is evidence that in a certain family a  ‘mamzer’ has intervened, it is forbidden to marry from the family, but rather checks for those who wish to marry him.

4. In the event that there is evidence of a ‘mamzer’ being involved in a specific family, and yet a man has passed and married a woman from them, or a woman has married a man of them. If the testimony is about a ‘safek mamzer’, there is no need to divorce, and if the testimony is about a ‘vaday mamzer’, you should certainly get a divorce.

5. Insofar as the gossip about the fear of ‘mamzerut’ on a particular family is not based on testimony or possession, it should not be published, and the family is placed under the presumption of kashrut.

6. Usually, there is a record of certain ‘mamzerim’ or doubtful ‘mamzerim’ in the community tribunal list. And in the State of Israel there is a meticulous record of any genealogical incompetence (people that you can’t marry) .

7. The aforesaid does not refer to families belonging to denominations that explicitly do not expel their wives with a kosher ‘get’ as the religion of Moshe and yisrael.


Sources and reasoning

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