The “Bircat Avraham” Institute, which has been in operation for nearly 15 years, does not yet have its own building. With G-d’s help, the city of Jerusalem donated an excellent land plot in the Ramot neighborhood (Jerusalem) to the Institute. The land is well located due to its proximity to the main road, allowing easy access avrechim (rabbis/students). The size of the land was a big surprise: it was much larger than what the city usually gives to synagogues. In the city of Jerusalem, every space is important.
Apart from suiting the need for a location to accommodate the Bircat Avraham’s students’ growth, the building’s construction, which will also Beezrat Hashem serve as a Synagogue, is extremely important for the local population. Numerous families live in the area, with no place to pray nearby. They are compelled to pray in another neighborhood every day. Due to a lack of options, older people are forced to pray at home. According to a survey conducted by the municipality (published on March 24, 2019), this area has at least 774 adult men in need of a Synagogue, in addition to women and children. This number is expected to double in the coming years since the city approved the construction of more residential buildings. This is a young neighborhood with many children and a bright future.
With G-d’s assistance, several important Jewish activities will also be made possible with the building. At Bircat Avraham, we have avrechim (rabbis) equipped with many skills, who have a lot to offer our people, both in lectures and various shiurim (including kiruv shiurim), as well as in rabbinical services of different sorts, such as the creation of a Rabbinical Court for monetary cases; halachic assistance in Taharat Hamishpacha and other halachic areas; marriage counseling and guidance for marital peace, and more. There was simply not enough physical space for these activities to be carried out intensively and extensively.
With G-d’s assistance, the building will become a great center of Judaism, bringing much satisfaction to the Creator. Those interested in taking part in this significant merit, with the option of dedicating the name on rooms, should contact us.
With God’s help, we intend to construct a Jewish center, which will include:
- Kollel Bircat Avraham
- Synagogue
- Shiurim for the general public.
- Bet Horaa – a free service that answers questions about Jewish laws in a closed office to protect consultants’ privacy
- Bet Din
- Affordable ballroom for Berit Mila and Bar Mitzvah for families that cannot afford other ballrooms.
- Shalom Bait support and guidance center.
- Jewish library.
Free translation of the letter of the Rishon Letzion Rabbi Itzchak Yossef shelita:
By means of this letter, I would like to recommend the Kollel “Birkat Avraham”, which is under the direction of Harav Hagaon Eliyahu Bahbout shelita, author of the book “Sifte Shoshanim”. In this Kollel, eighty (80) important avrechim (scholars), dear and precious inhabitants of the Land of Israel, learn day and night with great seriousness, delving into the many subjects until reaching a final decision in Halachah with depth and correct reasoning. And it has happened that, as of today, the aforementioned Kollel has no fixed location, and many a time they had to relocate. Therefore, they would like to build a Bet Medrash that will meet the needs of the avrechim, so that these building will operate, with the Almighty’s help, as a spiritual light tower to enlighten all the residents of the area. Also, lectures will be given there for youths and adults, bringing merits for the general audience that will come to listen to the words of G-d. And the words of our Sages are already very well known (in Kohelet Rabbah): Whoever wants to do charity, shall do it with those scholars that toil in Torah. All the donors and supporters shall be blessed by Hashem with abundance of Good, and with the blessing of fulfilments of many joys, and with all the best. “[Torah] is a Tree of Life for those who support it, and those who sustain it will be satisfied.”
Signing in the honor of Torah Itzchak Yossef
Rishon Letzion, Chief Rabbi of Israel
And President of Rabbinical Supreme Court