Country: France




Read interpretations about Yosef (Joseph), the Just, but I haven’t found answers to my questions.


So, here is my question: how was Joseph the Just’s stay in prison? Did his fellow prisoners treat him harshly?


Thank you



Hello and blessings


Yosef (Joseph), the Just, spent twelve years in prison, having done nothing wrong, as is known.


Despite his stay in prison, he had comfortable conditions there, as described in the Holy Torah in the book of Genesis, chapter 39, verses 20-23, that the Holy One, blessed be He, granted Yosef (Joseph) favor in the eyes of the chief jailer, and the chief jailer appointed Yosef (Joseph) as responsible for all the prisoners, and everything Yosef (Joseph) said, the prisoners did. Of course, they neither beat him nor treated him unfairly, for the Lord God granted Yosef (Joseph) favor in the eyes of all.


Moreover, in the midrashim, it is clear that the chief of the prison knew for certain that Yosef (Joseph) had done nothing wrong, so he treated him with respect and trusted him, and did not even watch or inspect Yosef (Joseph), but the chief of the prison would occasionally release him to help and serve him in his house.


To conclude, I will add what the commentators wrote to explain that Yosef (Joseph) was a complete righteous man, and his descent to prison in Egypt was to correct the flaw of having spoken ill of his ten brothers, which is why he stayed in prison for ten years, and two more years for having told the cupbearer to remember him and mention him to Pharaoh, and according to the level of Yosef (Joseph), the righteous, this was a lack of trust and faith in G-d.




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