הרב מאיר פנחסי


Pareve knife was used to cut mild Cheese. Can anything be done to keep the knife Pareve?


Hello & Greetings,

If the cheese was cold, the knife needs to be washed and rubbed with scotch, and it is allowed to be used again with pareve.

However, if the cheese you was boiling hot, you must do ‘hagalah’ to the knife (making dishes kosher by immersion in boiling water).

Best regards

Rabbi Meir Pinchasi

Sources and reasoning:

ע”פ שו”ע יו”ד (סי’ פח בסופו) ובש”ך וט”ז (שם). וסקו’צ נחשב כנעיצה בקרקע וכמ”ש החוו”ד (סי’ צא).וראה עוד בשו”ע (סי’ צד סעי’ ז’).

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