Country: USA


Hello, Rabbi. Recently, they started producing cultivated (artificial) meat here in the United States.


I am interested in checking its taste, and I saw that there is no kosher certification, but if it is lab-grown meat, and maybe it doesn’t need kosher certification, can I eat it?


And if that is allowed, is it considered meat or parve?


Thank you




Hello and welcome


Cultivated meat is still in its early stages and is not yet sold wholesale. From research I conducted, I discovered that there are various methods and techniques for producing cultivated meat.


Therefore, lab-cultivated meat, the majority of whose components are industrial and apparently permitted for consumption without concern, as I will explain in the following sources. As long as we do not know all of its components, we cannot be sure if there is no kashrut issue, as there are some laboratories that produce the meat using protein of animal origin and hormones extracted from the blood of fetuses of impure animals, etc. Therefore, without knowing the extent of all the components and the production process, it is not possible to give a general permission for the consumption of cultivated meat.


In fact, generally, cultivated meat that grows in a medium of proteins and hormones that are not of animal origin, and only the first stem cell is taken from an animal, this meat is allowed for consumption, and those who eat it will not be considered to have eaten a meat meal, as the animal-origin stem cell is nullified due to its minimal quantity.




Rabbi David Ohayon



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