הרב דוד אוחיון - ברכת אברהם משיב כהלכה
Country: ישראל

on: Hello i’m spencer and i’m 15 years old locally there is no rabbis around me and i also don’t feel comfortable bathing naked in front of people though i don’t think i have to because of my age if i’m correct i was wondering if i do enough studying and find a rabbi online and if i do my own studying and study the torah if i can convert myself when i have the resources to go to a church i could go thank you

: Hello dear Spencer First, it is important for me to make it clear to you, that Jewish law does not recommend that non-Jews convert. According to Jewish law, non-Jewry plays an important role in maintaining the seven commandments in which anyone who is not Jewish commands, and in this he completes his destiny towards the Creator of the world. Second, even if you really want and want to convert, there are a few steps you must go through and cannot be converted without them. The first is knowing the commandments and accepting them on you, the second is the existence of circumcision as a religion, the third is baptism in the mikveh. All three of these stages should be done before three judges. It is not possible to skip one of these steps, or observe one of the stages without the presence of three judges. Apart from the aforesaid, practically speaking, conversion that will not be before a recognized and orderly Orthodox institute will not receive any recognition, and will be meaningless and useful. With a blessing of success wherever you turn Rabbi David Ohayon Jerusalem holy city Sources  


Hello i’m spencer and i’m 15 years old locally there is no rabbis around me and i also don’t feel comfortable bathing naked in front of people though i don’t think i have to because of my age if i’m correct i was wondering if i do enough studying and find a rabbi online and if i do my own studying and study the torah if i can convert myself when i have the resources to go to a church i could go thank you


Hello dear Spencer

First, it is important for me to make it clear to you, that Jewish law does not recommend that non-Jews convert. According to Jewish law, non-Jewry plays an important role in maintaining the seven commandments in which anyone who is not Jewish commands, and in this he completes his destiny towards the Creator of the world.

Second, even if you really want and want to convert, there are a few steps you must go through and cannot be converted without them. The first is knowing the commandments and accepting them on you, the second is the existence of circumcision as a religion, the third is baptism in the mikveh.

All three of these stages should be done before three judges. It is not possible to skip one of these steps, or observe one of the stages without the presence of three judges.

Apart from the aforesaid, practically speaking, conversion that will not be before a recognized and orderly Orthodox institute will not receive any recognition, and will be meaningless and useful.

With a blessing of success wherever you turn

Rabbi David Ohayon

Jerusalem holy city



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Attention: You should not learn from one case to another, each case must be analyzed individually. Generally speaking, it's always best to have contact with a Rabbi in person, not just virtual contact. Note that where there is a local Rabbi("Mara Deatra"), one should ask him. The answers are under the responsibility of the rabbi who responded, and not under the responsibility of the website and/or the Head of the Institution.

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