
Am I allowed to smoke weed during the nine days? I know you can’t drink wine but would that apply to weed? Is there a difference between recreational and medicinal for mental health


Hello & Greetings

During the nine days there is no prohibition against drinking alcohol, only wine, since these days we mourn the destruction of the Temple where the people of Israel sacrificed wine on the mesb’ach, and how we will drink wine for pleasure these days.

Therefore, according to the customs of the nine days, there is no prohibition against drinking alcohol that is not wine, although it is not appropriate to drink alcohol in order to bring joy, since these days are days of mourning for the destruction of the Temple.

Therefore, those who need to use soft drugs for their health may do so during the nine days.

However, smoking soft drugs not for medical purposes, but for pleasure, is forbidden all year round, because smoking drugs corrupts the health of body and mind, and causes serious damage, and the Torah has commanded us to keep ore souls very safe. And the drug smoker ends up breaking many more prohibitions, as will be explained below in the sources for the answer.

Best regards for an upcoming redemption

Rabbi David Ohayon

Jerusalem Holy City

For sources click  here

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