A Guide for Converting to Judaism
Introduction Many people wish to join the Jewish people, but few succeed in completing the conversion process. Not all those
Hello, rabbi
On Shabbat, we washed our hands before sunset and recited the blessing over the bread, etc., but after sunset we wanted to eat ice cream, and usually, it is necessary to recite the blessing over it. We were in doubt whether, being after sunset, it is permitted to eat it and recite the blessing, since we are in the middle of the meal, or if, since the meal does not exempt the ice cream, it is forbidden to eat it?
Thank you very much.
Hello and welcome
Although it is forbidden to eat after sunset before Havdalah, if he started the third meal (seuda shlishit) and the sun has set, he can eat and drink as he wishes, and does not need to stop.
Regarding what we said about not needing to stop eating, there is no difference if he is interested in eating things that are part of the meal and do not require a blessing, or if he is interested in eating things that are not part of the meal and require a blessing. As long as he is still within the meal that started in a permitted way before sunset, he can continue eating, as it is not considered that he started a new meal, and we already know that if he started, he doesn’t need to stop.
Furthermore, even a cup of Kidush for the blessing of the food can be blessed with the blessing of the wine and drunk after the blessing of the food, if he always tends to bless the cup, despite blessing it with the first blessing, and the reason is that this is not considered a new beginning, but the cup follows the meal that began with permission, as mentioned.
Rabbi David Ohayon
Attention: You should not learn from one case to another, each case must be analyzed individually. Generally speaking, it's always best to have contact with a Rabbi in person, not just virtual contact. Note that where there is a local Rabbi("Mara Deatra"), one should ask him. The answers are under the responsibility of the rabbi who responded, and not under the responsibility of the website and/or the Head of the Institution.
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