Country: France


Good morning, Rav,

A new dish intended for events, must it necessarily be immersed in the mikveh?

Thank you





Good morning,


As a general rule, all tableware used for meals or serving food ready to be consumed must be immersed in a mikveh if they were acquired from a non-Jew. Even if this tableware is used occasionally, it must first undergo this immersion.

However, this obligation of immersion in the mikveh applies only to utensils made of metal, glass, or glass-coated materials. Plastic or ceramic utensils do not require immersion in the mikve. It is therefore important to highlight that nowadays, many plastic tableware items, whether disposable or intended for repeated use, do not need to be immersed.

These halachic laws apply to tableware in a domestic context. Regarding the dining and serving utensils in reception halls or restaurants that organize events, the opinion of our master, Rav Ovadia Yosef zatsal, is that they do not require immersion according to the strict application of halacha. However, as a measure of piety, it is recommended to immerse the dishes without reciting a blessing for greater safety. Therefore, it is permitted to eat and use this dishware in the halls and restaurants without immersion.



Rabbi David Ohayon



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