הרב אליהו בחבוט
Country: ארצות הברית

on:   Can I donate to ‘Bircat avraham’ in credit card, mention in the donation notes there when to give it [14 or 15 day of purim] and you will give the poor the amount of gifts on that day, and I will make you a messenger by donating? If so, tell me in what way. And what do you think is the amount that is currently to be given , and is there a division between a person who is currently a minority of capacity and a wealthy person, according to the main law.  

:    On the matter of whether Matanot lavyonim can be given by credit card, one of the rabbis of the web site Rabbi Avraham Maimon Shalita has already written about it (a correctly responding editorial note: the answer of the rabbi Maimon is here). But you can give through the phone coordination with the secretariat, and then the gabbai gives cash to the donor, and gives to the poor, and according to the secret of things, it is appropriate to give with by your hands, since the act of charity should be with an act by your hands and not in a phone call with speech. And as for how much is the rate of giving Matanot lavyonim from the main law, it is enough to give one “penny” to each pauper (i.e. a total of 2 pennies, since 2 lavyonim must be given). And nowadays, a coin of ten cents (shekel) is considered like a penny, because it’s the least currency that comes out in spending. And it is still worth giving money at a rate sufficient to buy 180 grams of bread, at least for two poor people (for every poor person the rate), and then if he wants to give to other poor people as well, he will give as he wishes. And according to all, a person that wants to add, they will add to him from heaven, and it is better for one to procreate Matanot lavyonim ratter then sending for ‘seudat purim’ and ‘mishloch manot’ to his neighbors.   Sources



Can I donate to ‘Bircat avraham’ in credit card, mention in the donation notes there when to give it [14 or 15 day of purim] and you will give the poor the amount of gifts on that day, and I will make you a messenger by donating? If so, tell me in what way. And what do you think is the amount that is currently to be given , and is there a division between a person who is currently a minority of capacity and a wealthy person, according to the main law.




 On the matter of whether Matanot lavyonim can be given by credit card, one of the rabbis of the web site Rabbi Avraham Maimon Shalita has already written about it (a correctly responding editorial note: the answer of the rabbi Maimon is here). But you can give through the phone coordination with the secretariat, and then the gabbai gives cash to the donor, and gives to the poor, and according to the secret of things, it is appropriate to give with by your hands, since the act of charity should be with an act by your hands and not in a phone call with speech.

And as for how much is the rate of giving Matanot lavyonim from the main law, it is enough to give one “penny” to each pauper (i.e. a total of 2 pennies, since 2 lavyonim must be given). And nowadays, a coin of ten cents (shekel) is considered like a penny, because it’s the least currency that comes out in spending.

And it is still worth giving money at a rate sufficient to buy 180 grams of bread, at least for two poor people (for every poor person the rate), and then if he wants to give to other poor people as well, he will give as he wishes. And according to all, a person that wants to add, they will add to him from heaven, and it is better for one to procreate Matanot lavyonim ratter then sending for ‘seudat purim’ and ‘mishloch manot’ to his neighbors.



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